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Harney & Sons Earl Grey Supreme Loose Tea 4 oz

A blend of black tea, white tea silver needles tips with bergamot, 4 oz whole leaf loose tea

Harney & Sons Earl Grey Supreme has an excellent tea base of higher grade, large black tea leaves, oolong and white tea silver needles combined with the citrusy bergamot oil. Because this tea is made with larger tea leaves and tippy teas, it has a lighter body. Tin contains 4 oz of loose leaf tea. Kosher and Halal certified.

Interesting Fact:

Black, Oolong and White tea all come from the same plant (Camellia Sinensis). The difference in taste and colour are based on altitude, climate, part of the plant being used, flush, and how the tea leaves were handled once picked. That is how you get to taste a vast variety of tea characters, colours and aroma. Cheers!

Product Contains  4 oz whole- leaf loose tea
Base Black tea, oolong, and white tea silver needles
Aroma Refreshing citrus aroma because of the higher amount of bergamot oil in this special tea
Caffeine Level Caffeinated
Body Lighter body because of the larger proportion of white tea in this delicious blend
Character The lemony flavors are perfectly balanced with the delicious tea base. In comparison to other Earl Greys, there is a nice natural sweetness from all the tippy teas
Brewing Time 4 to 5 minutes
Brewing Temperature 212° F

 kosher-tea-seal.jpg halal-certified.jpg

Whole-leaf loose tea
4 oz
Kosher certified:
Halal certified: